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Message par Gohu Ven 29 Mai - 15:56

Razor End :

I live for your life as I am one with the night so utopia fill me
If you were the heavens I would be the wind
If you were the saint then I would bring you sin

I am glorious a prodigy white born of the sun
If you were the sea then I would be the rain
If you were in harmony I would bring you pain

But am I the one they thought they let away
So cast me from heaven
The true mechanical way of today
So cast me aside

I'm gods true spirit the everchild, spawn from elysium
If you were the wave then I would be the shore
If you came in peace then I would bring you war

I'm a shiny star of the world, and icon to be heard
If you were the knife then I would be the blade
If you were the light then I would be the shade

But am I the one they thought they let away
So cast me from heaven
The true mechanical way of today
So cast me aside

Feeding my child with the darkest war giving the fire a flame to engulf
Feeding my child with the darkest war giving the fire a flame to engulf
Feeding my child with the darkest war giving the fire a flame to engulf
Feeding my child with the darkest war giving the fire a flame to engulf
and I ask you again...

But am I the one they thought they let away
So cast me from heaven
The true mechanical way of today
So cast me aside

But am I the one they thought they let away
So cast me from heaven
The true mechanical way of today
So cast me aside

Si vous avez les paroles de Black médicine n'hésitez pas à les poster !

Messages : 251
Points : 98
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Date d'inscription : 30/06/2008

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